Marriage is an institution created by God and therefore is holy.

Marriage is a gift from God, one that should not be taken for granted. It is the right atmosphere to engage in sexual relations and to build a family life. Getting married in front of God, is very important.

 Because God created marriage, it becomes more than just a cultural idea. It is a holy union blessed by God. In recognizing such, it deserves a certain amount of respect and recognition beyond "we say we're married so we are".

Apostle Pride and Anna Sibiya praying for Mr and Mrs Saunyama at their wedding
1. Marriage can only be between a man and a woman.
Apostle Noah Parwaringira pronouncing husband and wife (Mr & Mrs Saunyama)
 2. Marriage is more than a commitment.
Mr & Mrs Saunyama poses showing rings
 marriage is more than just making a commitment to someone else. It is also entering into a holy covenant before God.
 3. Marriage is to be witnessed.
Mr & Mrs Saunyama and family
 4. Marriage is to be held in honor.
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