How to get perfect results from your wedding video that you’ll want to watch again and again…
Who’s filming?
It’s important that you think carefully about who you’re going to trust with this important task. Its always good to put value to this day by choosing a professional to shoot your wedding. A professional knows everything to do the whole day.
Leave messages
The best wedding films we edit are those where the bride and groom have actually sat down together before the big day and thought of things that they would like to include in their wedding video.
You could agree to leave a message to each other the night before, arrange for your presents to each other to be opened on camera or have little chats with the camera throughout the day on how you’re feeling, together and individually.
It’ll be these moments that you’ll look back on when you’re old and grey and will give you goose bumps!
Beware of the zoom
The ability to zoom in is certainly an awesome feature although be careful not to over zoom on the big day.
It’ll be these moments that you’ll look back on when you’re old and grey and will give you goose bumps!
Use the tripod
Even the most experienced wedding videographers with the steadiest of hands would struggle to stand in one place, holding the same shot for a long time. With most ceremonies and speeches going on for at least 30 minutes each, it’s best to have the tripod set up ready to start recording ahead of time.
Even the most experienced wedding videographers with the steadiest of hands would struggle to stand in one place, holding the same shot for a long time. With most ceremonies and speeches going on for at least 30 minutes each, it’s best to have the tripod set up ready to start recording ahead of time.
Make sure that the tripod and the camera is always as close as possible to the person speaking in order get the best sound and that the shot from the tripod is a good one, then you can keep an eye on it without worrying about any wobbles!
Beware of the zoom
The ability to zoom in is certainly an awesome feature although be careful not to over zoom on the big day.
When the video camera is zoomed in as far as it will go, it makes the footage very wobbly indeed and a little bit grainy (especially if you’re in a dark room). Our top tip would be to just move closer to the object or person you want to film.